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Digital Marketing
Type of keyword in Search Engine Optimization ( SEO )

Type of keyword in Search Engine Optimization ( SEO )

Type of keyword in Search Engine Optimization ( SEO )

What are keywords in SEO?

Keywords in SEO are specific words or phrases
that are strategically targeted and optimized to
improve a website’s visibility in search engine
results. They help search engines understand
the content and relevance of a webpage.

General 3 Types of Keywords
1. The short-tail keywords
2. The Mid-tail Keywords
3. The Long-tail Keywords

Short-tail keywords
keywords are brief and concise search terms
typically consisting of one to three words.
These keywords are more general and broader,
targeting a wide audience and capturing a large volume of search traffic. Here’s an

Short-tail keyword: “shoes” Example usage: A
a user searching for “shoes” is looking for general information or a wide range of shoes without specifying any particular type, brand, or style.

Long tail keywords
Long tail keywords are highly specific and precise search terms typically consisting of three or more words. They target a niche audience with a lower search volume but higher relevance. Here’s an example:

Long-tail keyword: “best running_shoes for flat
feet with arch support” Example usage: A user
searching for “best running shoes for flat feet
with arch support” is seeking running shoes
specifically designed for individuals with flat feet requiring extra arch support.

Mid-tail keywords

Mid-tail keywords are slightly longer and more specific than short-tail keywords, typically consisting of two to three words. These keywords provide a balance between specificity and search volume. Here’s an

Mid-tail keyword: “running_shoes for women”
Example usage: A user searching for “running
shoes for women” are looking for athletic footwear specifically designed for women who engage in running.


These types of keywords in SEO are terms that target a specific country, state, city, or neighborhood. This keyword type is handy for local businesses that want to reach more customers nearby. Also, search for users that
type geo-targeted keywords into their browsers are most likely looking for physical stores or service locations near them.

Example: MacBook laptop shops in new york, Times Square.

PRIMARY Keywords

primary keywords, also known as target or focus keywords, represent the core theme of a
webpage. They are the main terms you want your webpage to rank for in search engine results.

For example:
“Digital marketing_tips” Example usage: If a website has a blog post titled “10 Essential Digital Marketing Tips for Beginners,” the goal is to optimize the webpage around the primary keyword “digital marketing_ tips” to improve
visibility and ranking in relevant search results.

LSI Keywords 

LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords, also known as semantic keywords, are related terms and phrases that are conceptually similar to a webpage’s main keyword or topic. They provide context and help search engines understand the relevance and depth of the content. LSI keywords are valuable for SEO as they can enhance the overall content quality and improve the web page’s visibility in search results.

Here’s an example:
Main keyword: “apple” LSI keywords: “fruit”
“orchard,” “crunchy,” “cider,” “pie”


You see, brands purposely find keywords for SEO that their competitors are using – researching the keywords of Competitor brands is a beneficial practice because
it allows you to target similar buyer interests and potential customers unfamiliar with your brand or website.

Example: For Apple laptops, a competitor keyword could be “best Microsoft laptop for students”


Customer-defining keywords are terms commonly used by a subset of an audience or customers, describing what they are looking for and defining who needs the thing or service they are trying to search for or buy.

Example: Laptop for professional graphic designers


Branded keywords purposely include a brand’s name and specific product descriptions, a product name, or a product type. Branded keywords in SEO usually come from customers who are only interested in products from a single, specific company or brand.

Example: Best Apple laptops and accessories


Market segment keywords are usually generic terms linked to general industries, brands, or products. Your target audience might use this at the start of their product research, also known as the first step to the purchase journey

Example: laptop for graphic design

360Degree Digital Marketing Provides Advance keywords Strategy to rank your keywords