• +91-9729272110
  • Vikas@360ddm.in
  • Mumbai, India

Track purchase commitments using user-defined books

As stated in ASC , take-or-pay contracts require a purchaser (or in our case a “producer”) to make specified minimum payments even if it does not take delivery of the contracted services. In contrast, although Chesapeake (as producer) is exposed to rate volatility, our contracts do not require us to make fixed or minimum payments. By creating a user-defined journal […]

Elections, Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings

The chair of the meeting may at his sole discretion amend this procedure on behalf of an orderly meeting. If you have held your AGM and there is no interest form your members to run in committee elections, firstly gain some feedback and try to hold by-elections in a different format, and advertise this across all channels possible before holding […]

Проджект-менеджер: кто это, чем занимается и как выйти на доход от 160 000 ?

Таким образом, руководитель проекта выступает в качестве координирующего центра, мощного «локомотива», который приведет «состав» к цели. Он управляет последовательностью процессов, необходимых для создания продукта, — то https://deveducation.com/ есть проектом. А значит, обеспечивает связь между заказчиком и исполнителями, которые претворяют бизнес-идею клиента в жизнь. Плюсы и минусы работы Project manager Проекты редко идут по плану, и хороший проджект-менеджер должен вовремя сориентироваться, если что-то […]

How to Create WhatsApp Channel: A Step-by-Step Guide for Businesses

Step 1: Verify Your WhatsApp Business Account Step 1: Verify Your WhatsApp Business Account To get started with WhatsApp channels, it’s essential to verify your WhatsApp Business account. This verification process adds credibility to your business and unlocks the ability to create channels. Step 2: Prepare Your Business Profile Step 2: Prepare Your Business Profile Your business profile is your […]

Case Study: Nirvana Mental Health 10K Download in 3 Month

Case Study: Nirvana Mental Health 10K Download in 3 Month

Mental health is a major concern in todays world. Looking at the market trends and requirement Nirvana Launch Online Consultant App for Therapy & Psychotherapy. An App often tend to people who want to experience more satisfaction, joy, resiliency in their lives. Other times people feel down, unexcited about life, and just want to stop feeling that way. General areas […]


Search Engine As its own algorithms and as a SEO Expert we Need to check important metrics in order to website SEO friendly. So, that Google can crawl website easily and improve ranking factor. There are various tools through which we can analysis website technically some of them are smallseotools, Ahrefs , Semrush etc. Basically, it checks and tests for […]

Type of keyword in Search Engine Optimization ( SEO )

Type of keyword in Search Engine Optimization ( SEO )

What are keywords in SEO? full report What are keywords in SEO? Keywords in SEO are specific words or phrasesthat are strategically targeted and optimized toimprove a website’s visibility in search engineresults. They help search engines understandthe content and relevance of a webpage. General 3 Types of Keywords1. The short-tail keywords2. The Mid-tail Keywords3. The Long-tail Keywords General 3 Types […]

Биржа: как работает, виды, как торговать

Грубо говоря, клиринговая палата следит за тем, чтобы все сделки между участниками торгов реально совершались; чтобы продавец получал полагающуюся ему стоимость актива, а покупатель — актив. Клиринговая палата позволяет бирже сразу замечать сбои в торгах или мошеннические схемы (которые, впрочем, появляются крайне редко). Их организацией и регулированием занимается правительство страны. Зарегистрированные предприниматели могут продавать здесь свои акции, привлекая инвесторов. Обычно […]

App Marketing: 20 App marketing Strategy in 2023

App Marketing: 20 App marketing Strategy in 2023

Promoting your app is an ongoing process, and it’s important to continuously evaluate and adjust your strategy as needed. With the right approach, you can successfully market your app and reach your target audience. If you’re looking to create an effective app marketing strategy, here are some steps you can follow: 1. Identify your target audience: Determine the specific demographic […]